Under construction
On Father's Day, we took both Nugget and Doggie to campus for a bike ride/walk. As it was Sunday, all the construction vehicles were carefully lined up in a row, behind the temporary barricades. The Nugget spotted them from afar and furiously motored right over to gawk.
N: They're not moving. Digger trucks taking a rest. 1-2-3-4 digger trucks. They all taking a rest. Digger trucks need giraffe, blanket, pillow, binky.
Me: Hmm, I don't see any binkies. Where would a digger truck put a binky?
N: (Thoughtfully scrutinizes the diggers, then takes a pretend binky out of his own mouth) Here's a binky, digger truck. (holds the pretend binky up to the first truck) Put it in mouth. There you go. Here's another binky, another binky, another binky. (Distributes a pretend binky to each truck.) Night night, digger trucks.
Then he scooted off, satisfied that the diggers would rest well.
*Oldie but goodie photo. The Nugget's onesie reads, "Work in Progress"
Oh, how adorable Nugget is!! I love this post!