Up with your chinny-chin, chin up!
I'm putting away the tiny violins of my last post in favor of counting my blessings, in no particular order.
1. The Nugget clomping around in "Daddy shoes".
2. Free birthday entrees for date night 2 weeks in a row. And a free sundae tonight to ring in my 31st. And the Nugget's, "I doing an ice cream dance."
3. My friends and family who make me feel so loved, through cards, emails, comments, FB posts, hugs (virtual and in-person), and phone calls.
4. Our collective family health.
5. Those beautiful babies (as alluded to in the previous post)...while they may crank up the heat on my own baby fever, first and foremost, I am so much more aware of the blessing and miracle they are to their parents and siblings and so grateful for their presence.
6. The sleep I am getting now and the lightness of my diaper bag because I know both will be gone in a flash once Lil Sib arrives.
7. The special feeling of having one child, like the Nugget and I are partners in crime, setting off relatively carefree (well, with snacks and change of clothes). I have really had the chance to relish in our time together, just the two of us. Nearly 3 years of weekday mornings and afternoons, all to ourselves. It's been hard and heavenly. Someday it will be over, never to be gotten back. I don't want to lose anymore of this time feeling sorry for myself.
8. The way the Nugget whispers, "Nuzzle noses," when we tuck him in at night.
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