Trunk or Treat 2015
We held our annual Trunk or Treat in a different location this year. Old friends and new got to enjoy the playground, a costume parade, and a low key trunk or treat experience. The weather was overcast but in the 60's, so for once we had a happy Tater enjoying the experience! Spork was happy to reprise the role of Grammy's adorable giraffe, though he was a bit confused and occasionally referred to himself as a cat. The Nugget's costume is courtesy of PBTeen and a coupon code, and Tater's gorgeous monarch getup was a special hand-me down from friend W.
The pictures make it look like so much fun that I will definitely block out the memory of loading sugar-crazed possibly-possessed-by-demon children that I loaded into our van afterwards. Ah, the cost of living large!
But a zip-lining butterfly makes it all worth it.
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