Christmas Trip 2009

We just returned from a lovely 5-day Christmas trip to see our West Coast family. Our August trip felt so rushed that we decided to make this trip very uneventful and family-only. We spent our days bopping between Hubby's parent's home and the hotel and even managed to keep the Nugget on a fairly regular nap/bed routine. Hence, no big extravagant things to post, but here's a quick list of our favorite little moments.
10. The Nugget, upon disembarking from our 5 hour flight (the second flight of the day), spotted a purple and gold airplane on the tarmac and insists that "We ride purple plane now." He has a tantrum on the jetway upon hearing that we will not be riding the purple plane.
9. The Nugget tells each grandparent, aunt, uncle, and cousin who will listen, "Ride purple plane" about a zillion times. We have to start a countdown of days until we'll get back on a return flight.
8. The Nugget rips open his Christmas presents with gusto, exclaiming, "Ooooo!" Usually after opening it, he then asks, "Whazzat?", knowing only that it was ooo-worthy! (At home, when he opened a gift from Santa, he said, "Ooo, a box!" Oh the money we could have saved!)
7. The Nugget can now correctly identify his West Coast family by name and can approximate his own pronunciations of each name. I think some hearts were melted to hear his little voice calling for them.
6. Not to be left out, the Nugget also requested his Midwest family members often and was confused to find out that his entire extended families do not live in the same place.
5. The Nugget discovered a love for Grandma's fancy organic nitrate-free ham. He cleaned his plate of ham then polished off mine as well. The bite I got was delicious!
4. The Nugget tasted sparkling cider and was appalled by the carbonation. He made a really funny face (wish I had captured it on camera) and sputtered it out. When Uncle A encouraged him to try it again, he shouted "No!" and pushed it away. Whew, at least I won't have a pop junkie anytime soon. (He also doesn't like chocolate milk, which probably bodes well for his waistline.)
3. Our niece generously babysat for us one night so we could go out with the other young adults for dinner. She and her boyfriend entertained the Nugget for several hours and reported that he was angelic. The minute they left, he yanked off his halo and had a proper fit. This makes me both hopeful for preschool yet terrified for the daily aftermath!
2. We took the Nugget to the zoo for a quick bout of exercise and fresh air. While he loved the carousel, laughed at the goats nibbling food from his hand, and tried the slide, his absolute undisputed favorite part of the zoo was the automated paper towel dispenser.
1. Despite being a cautious soul, the Nugget remembered each and every family member right away and was so generous with his hugs and high fives. That was my favorite part of Christmas.
LOVE numbers 7 & 1!! I remember the first time our nephew could say our names without being prompted. Too cute!!