The days of the week, according to the Nugget:
Sunday, Oneday, Twoday, Wednesday, Tursday, Friday, Saturday
M: What do you think of the soybeans, Nugget?
N: I like them! I like these sillybeans. A combine picked these sillybeans for me.
The Nugget has been to the doctor twice in the past few months, for a his regular physical and again for an ear infection, so the doctor's kit is suddenly thrilling. Here's a typical physical with Dr. Nugget:
"I'm going to use this telescope (stethoscope) to check you. Hmm, I hear that. Ok, now I going to check your ears (with the toy tweezers, he refuses to use the otoscope). Beep! 30 pounds! Now you put that in your mouth (the thermometer). No, please put in mouth. Don't pretend, really do it! Garrumph. (when he realizes I am not putting it in my mouth). Ok, you're healthy. Now, I'm going to count your teeth with this mirror. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 10 teeth!"
While dining out, the Nugget seemed to be staring into space for more than 5 minutes. This is an usual feat for him. Daddy asked him what he was thinking about, and he pointed to 2 fresh-faced teenage girls at the next table and stated, "Them." On the same note, I find it fascinating and a little frightening that his head frequently whips around like a frat boy's whenever a lovely lady walks past. I thought this didn't start until puberty.
At dinner, I was talking to Hubby while slicing up the Nugget's pancakes. The Nugget encouraged me, coach-like, "You can do it, Mommy! I know you can slice up my pancakes!" My slices must not have been efficient enough, because halfway through the first pancake, the Nugget added, "Focus, Mommy! Focus!"
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