Foot Phone

The Nugget likes to have imaginary phone conversations.  He used to pick up his toy phone and say, "Hello?  Hello?  Hello?  Hi.  Um yeah.  Ok.  Bye-bye."

Then it progressed to the point where he could make the sign for phone and hold it to his ear.  The conversations got a little deeper too, "Hello?  Hi Grammy.  I'm going to come over there for lunch.  Um, I'd like some macaroni.  See you later.  Bye."

Now, he prefers to use his foot as a phone.  He limberly hoists his foot to his ear and calls me, "Hello?  Mom, it's you.  Pick up your phone.  How are you doing?  I'm going to play airplanes with Cat and Giraffe.  You can come too.  Ok?  Bye."


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