Bowen and Cinda

I asked the Nugget to please remove a dried boogie from his cheek.  We were in a parking lot, and I didn't have a tissue handy, so I told him to just drop it on the ground.  He paused thoughtfully and stated confidently, "Yeah, I think a squirrel will like to eat it."
As any educator knows, the "correct" way to inquire about the blob doodled by a child is to say, "Tell me about your picture!"  The Nugget recently answered, "This is a fishy that goes around and around and squirts water out of YOUR mouth.  You can do that if your tummy is sick.  Or in your house."  So it seems he drew the fish totem of vomiting.  It actually makes a pretty picture.
The Nugget and Daddy were sitting down to a game of Memory, and the Nugget found the 2 matching fish.
N:  What are those fishies' names?
D:  I don't know.  You could name them!  What would you like to call them?
N:  Bowen and Cinda.
{Those are not the names of any of the Nugget's friends or book/video characters, but names he came up with completely on his own!  And they kind of sound legit, don't they?}
N:  My tummy is hurting.
Me:  Oh no!  Do you need to go potty?  Do you feel sick?  Are you very hungry?
N:  Well, I think my tummy is hurting because it needs chocolate.  Can I have a chocolate please?
Pictured:  We skipped the Nugget's naptime to take him on a special trip to the Shedd Aquarium.  A little after his normal naptime, the Nugget was one of the two dozen gift shops and decided to test out a pillow pet.  His "tired tell" is a little drumming/kneading with his finger tips, and he cuddled and drummed the penguin for a few minutes before he got up the strength to head up the steps.


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