The Quotable Nugget

To Doggie (he has just learned she is part Aussie, part BC):
"Go downstairs, Australian Shepherd."

"That's a funny word!"  These words cause the Nugget to spontaneously combust into wild giggles.

(Holding up a pretend measuring stick)
"Let's see, I think this water bottle is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 miles tall."

This week, the Nugget declared, "I want to make a fancy bat.  A very fancy one."  I wrapped some foil around a piece of cardboard, drew a bat shape on it, and the Nugget went to town with some homemade Modge Podge, colored tissue paper, and glitter.  It is really fun to watch him create.

Please note the small glitter smudges on the bat's feet and off to the side.  "These are his shoes.  And here are some slippers for him to wear later."

Today, the Nugget admired his bat but stated that, "He could be even fancier."


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