A pride of March lions

My best guess, based on waking up to snow at least once a week this month, is that there is an entire pride of March lions, and they ate the damn lamb.  We Midwesterners all know that winter hasn't gasped its last icy breath until May, yet it feels like we were due some karmic sunshine what with January being what it was.  Nevertheless, the 50 degree days peppered in amongst windshield-scraping-mornings feel extra sweet.  Birds are singing, sundresses are in Tater's closet begging to be worn, and spring swim lessons have started for the kids.  Other sunshiny tidbits:

Spork thought a pair of balloons were the best thing at his pal A's birthday party.

Sundresses beckon, but sweater dresses are awfully cute and cozy too.

As a reticent baby, I thought Tater might be my quieter child, but apparently we raise 'em to be talkers.  Anyway, while I finished checking out at Barnes and Noble this week, she waved to the cashier (a David Bowie look-a-like, btw) and chirped, "Bye-bye!  Have fun!"

Spork and Tater both love cooking up "snacks" for their dolls, stuffed animals, and me.  When Spork mixes, he mutters, "Make-a-make-a-make-a."  When Tater delivers my food, she tilts her head to the side and asks, "Want some?" Then when I go to take a pretend bite, she exclaims, "A-cool down!" She tries to warn me seriously but she can't keep a straight face.

The next door neighbors have a precious new Lab puppy, with soft coal black fur and big puppy feet.  Since they both work FT, I offered to let Puppy B out a few times a day for them as needed.  The Nugget is totally in love, and he can hardly believe that little B is going to be bigger than our own Doggie.  


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