First Day of School 2015

Today was the first day of school for all three children.  I may or may not have shouted, "Freedom!" like Braveheart. They clean up pretty good, huh?!

My freedom will be very short-lived, as I start back to teaching next Monday, but I will suck the marrow out of the hours that I have!  Today I dropped off a vanload of items for the big consignment sale, hit the post office, picked up supplies for the preschool, scored some bargains at my favorite resale shop, and caught up on emails, and I still have 15 minutes before I go pick up Tater Tot. 

I have a couple of hours with my baby girl before we pick up that big guy, then we have tap.  I am starting to sense I will be living in the van during the school year.  Wishing you all bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils!


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