Fall Fun 2015

We always laugh about how we asked God for active children.  God was listening and apparently feeling very generous. The way squirrels spastically tuck away nuts for the winter is how we parents obsessively get the children outdoors and moving all autumn long.  It's not as if they will use up all the energy and sit quietly on the couch all winter, but it makes us feel better.

Up first, the county began a new festival last year to encourage families to stay fit together.  The kids love this one!

Next, the Fall Family Fun Fest.  This was the first year we came late instead of showing up at opening.  No crowds, but not much left to do in the mind of an 8yo who knows what he's missing.

Then, a trip to a farm for family pictures - will show them off when the photographer sends the disc - pumpkins, a hayride, petting zoo, and corn maze.

Finally, the good ole' leaf pile.  Free fun and child labor to boot.  


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