Spork's Dinosaur Valentines 2016
Quick, cheap, and easy, but good-looking...here's a tutorial for Spork's dinosaur valentines! Ingredients: baker's twine and dino erasers (from Target dollar spot), a few sheets of white cardstock, a push pin, a knitting needle, and scissors.
Step 1: Make two columns on your Word doc. Type "You are dino-mite! XOXO, Spork" and copy/paste so your text is on every fourth of the page. Print on cardstock. Cut with paper cutter.
Step 2: Center your dinosaur on the valentine and mark the center of the back and belly with your push pin. When you need to make a hole where a hole puncher won't reach, this is an easy hack!
Step 3: Using a knitting needle on the back of the card, widen your holes. It's ok if the paper looks messy, the dino will cover it.
Step 4: Cut a piece of baker's twine and thread it through the holes around the dino. Tie in a double knot, then a bow to secure.
Enjoy your cute little herd of dinos!
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