4H Fair 2016
Oh 4H fair, how do we love thee? Let me number the ways.
1. Munchkins on the Midway day. Free entry for kids, half price entry for adults. $12 wristbands for unlimited kiddy rides for 3 blissful hours!
2. Bumping into friends! Hooray for life in a smallish city!
4. Brother-sister joined at the hip, squabbling frequently but still take turns letting each other drive.
5. This cow, who makes the kids giggle every year. Spork usually prefers to do his giggling from a safe distance.
6. Tater meets the live versions of Duck Sister and Sister Duck.
7. Tater posing as an actual tater.
8. Bring me your weak, your dehydrated, and let me fork over $3 for ice, lemon juice, sugar, and water. Worth every penny. Fair lemonade really is the best, even if it's just because we're so hot and tired.
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