Snow Day and Random Acts of Kindness

The Nugget and I are enjoying our first snow day of the year!  I contend that, "What Montessori kids do on a snow day" would make a really hilarious and inspiring documentary.  He declared, "I'm going to compose my own music!" and sat down with a ruler and pen to make staffs.  Now he's toiling at the keyboard, while I bake the organic free-range eggs from the school's CSA and fold school laundry.  We're totally ridiculous.

When we're not so insulated by coziness, I have to admit that the Nugget and I are feeling the election results painfully.  I've been hiding from this blog and processing what I need to say about it.  We are sensitive souls, he even more than me.  I shielded him from the worst of the ugliness, but he is too old to be oblivious.  It pains us to feel and hear hate spewing forth in our country.  It also is a different, exquisite pain to know that while others didn't vote for him because of the hate in his platform, they didn't consider it a deal-breaker.  We feel scared, betrayed, confused, and wary.  We are trying as gracefully as we can, to be loving, to listen, to turn the other cheek, to be the best "representatives" of "brown people" we know how to be, to show others that we are non-threatening humans with feelings, needs, and dreams.  That just because we look different, we are not here to take away anything from anyone else.  That our very existence threatens nothing and nobody.  Someone asked us, "Why do you feel afraid?  He's only threatening to deport undocumented Mexicans and Muslims"  But we are ALL ONE, and the Nugget and I feel that so strongly in our blood.  And so we are also trying to be courageous enough to speak up for others who are hurting.  We practice what we would do if we see a fellow minority being verbally or physically attacked.  We practice what HE would do if someone attacks him.  I have talked with Hubby about what we would do if war broke out with North Korea and internment camps were set up for Korean-Americans.  I had a nightmare that a truck with a Confederate flag bumper sticker jumped the curb to intentionally run over Tater, then zoomed away.  I woke in a silent scream and I didn't sleep another wink that night.  Did I ever for one second believe this would be reality for my family in 2016?  My heart breaks over and over with practically each new Cabinet appointment.  We rely on the kindness of strangers, the hope that love wins.  We always have in fact, but my awareness of our vulnerability now is raw and real.

In an effort to raise our spirits, we have been practicing random acts of kindness during Advent.  I think we will continue throughout the year, because it's the only thing that has truly helped the both of us feel better.  Honestly, I hope that some recipients of our good deeds are White Nationalists, maybe we will be one tiny drop in their subconscious that helps them change their minds.  Here are some ideas of things you can do if you want to take on the cause!

1.  Candy cane a parking lot (the Nugget's favorite so far)
2.  Let parents with a toddler cut ahead of us in the grocery store line
3.  Give an impromptu tutorial about the APC at the post office (my favorite so far - the gift that keeps on giving)
4.  Hold the door for a stranger
5.  Pay for a friend's lunch
6.  Donate items from your school's wishlist or a giving tree
7.  Drop off donations to Goodwill/St. Vincent de Paul/charity of your persuasion
8.  Pay for the car behind you in a drive thru
9.  Deliver cookies to neighbors
10.  Buy children's books about peace and diversity and read them often at home
11.  Donate those same books to a preschool
12.  Surprise someone with flowers
13.  Use Amazon Smile or a Scrip program to support a school while you holiday shop
14.  Branch out and give gift cards from local small businesses you love
15.  Help the usual chef in your family prepare a meal
16.  Chip in with the laundry
17.  Help a classmate who's struggling
18.  Slip a love note into a lunchbox or briefcase
19.  Donate food to the food pantry
20.  Shovel the neighbor's sidewalk
21.  Fill the dog's Kong toy
22.  Tip your server generously, or if you can't afford to, give him/her a pack of pens to make up for all the ones that get swiped each night!
23. Let your little brother or sister snuggle with you when they have a bad dream
24.  Make funny faces to cheer up little sibs who are cranky in the car
25.  Help carry in the grocery bags


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