Tater's Tales of Terror

If you've been following, you already know that at the tender age of 2, Tater started spinning some scary tales like Neil Gaiman or Stephen King.  Here are some of her latest contributions that have me sleeping with one eye open.

Daddy was telling her a gentle story about a watermelon in a soap box derby when she had to interrupt with, "If you cut your eyeball with a knife, would it fall out of your head?  And what's inside an eyeball anyway?"

Tater:  Mommy, I had a bad dream.
Me:  Do you want to tell me about it?
T:  Yes!  I was coming downstairs in my dream, and there was a little secret door in the living room.  I'd never seen it before, so I opened it.  But there was a clown in there!  And a skeleton with a knife!  The skeleton zapped me all the way to school.  We didn't drive in a car, we just zapped.  Then at school, the skeleton was gone, and I thought it was good, but the clown was there too!  It followed me!


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