Deciduous trees and passageways full of clowns

Spork recently acquired a festive Christmas tree headband.  He proudly wore it out of the store, and I joked, "You look just like a real tree!"  He beamed with joy.  I added, "I hope a beaver doesn't try to cut you down, tree!"  He scoffed, "Beavers don't even like this kinda tree."  I asked, "How do you know?"  He insisted, "They just don't."  I thought this was a bizarre comment to make, and because I still suspect him to be a reincarnated beaver, I thought I'd do some research and guess what?!

"Beavers have a definite preference for the trees they like to eat. Preferred tree species include alder, aspen, apple, birch, cherry, cottonwood, poplar and willow." ( I'm still laughing!  My reincarnation hypothesis stands!

If you need a good scare, here's a new one from Tater.
Tater:  I wish our house had a secret passageway.
Me:  Me too!  I've always wanted one!
Tater:  ....except it would be full of clowns.


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