The Nugget's S'mores Cookoff

The Nugget did his first fundraiser walk this summer.  He felt anxious about asking
friends and family for money, so we concocted a fun paid event to help him raise his funds.  My favorite blogger posted about a family S'mores Off, and we were off to stock up on all types of sugar!

We set out index cards for each contestant to name the creation and list ingredients.

I used a pastry cutter to chop the s'mores into tiny pieces for sampling.  We voted with stickers on the cards for a crowd favorite.  I volunteered Hubby to be the judge for a judged winner as well.  The prizes were a set of marshmallow roasting sticks and gourmet marshmallows.

This was so fun, and I'd totally do it again.  The best part was that the Nugget raised $140 for veterans' programs!


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