Tater, age 7

Dear Tater,

You are hilarious and determined, feisty and cuddly.  Watch out, world, here you come.  I know you'll be one strong grown woman, kicking ass and taking names; it's just a challenge getting you there.  I beg for wisdom to help you grow without squelching what is powerful, fearless, unabashed.

We discovered your neurodiversity this year - the dyslexia that alters the way you see the world.    You have to work twice as hard, and you are already compensating by using the context and pictures in a book.  The creativity that comes with dyslexia has been obvious for some time now.  Vision therapy has taken over our schedule and pushed you past your bedtime every Monday.  You are almost finished, and now your eyes track so much better, and your letters line up neatly on the page.  I really think it's going to be a gift...the creativity and drive you have will certainly lead to big things.

How much you have grown this year.  No longer are you crying before school drop-off, but you dress on your own, help yourself to breakfast, and get back in the car with a self-satisfied smirk and the declaration that, "Today was AWESOME."

You always want beads in your hair, and I'm happy to oblige after many years of you trying to slap away the comb.  Your front teeth are finally in, and what a dazzling smile you have.  You are constantly in motion.

At your birthday celebration, your friends' compliments included,
"You are a hard worker.  You don't give up when you make a mistake, you keep going until you get it right."
"You always stand up for others."
"You are a kind friend."

You're a spark plug, and you're going to light up so many hearts in this world.


Tater pulled out a Bible and flipped through looking for illustrations.  In Isaiah, an angel was "purging sins with a burning ember," and Tater declared, "That angel isn't giving them personal space."

Tater on gun control:
"People should just not have guns.  I'd like there to be no more guns allowed in North America.  I'll take away all the guns, no the bullets, and throw them in the trash.  If people try to buy more, the stores will all be closed.  TOO BAD! 'Cuz you shouldn't shoot people, it's not really nice."

Tater's future career:  coroner
T:  I don't want to go to college, it sounds boring.
M:  Oh no, college is so much fun.  You can choose what you study.
T:  I want to learn how the body works!
M:  Yes, you can learn that in college.  Then after that, you can go to med school.  In med school, they'll even let you dissect a dead body.
T:  A real one?!  Where do they get it?
M:  It's donated - from a person who died and said it was ok for med students to use after they were dead.
T:  WOW!
M:  Actually, if you really enjoy working with cadavers, you could be a coroner and do that every day.
T:  Every day I could cut up dead people?!  Yes!  I want to be a coroner when I grow up.


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